
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

اهلا ومرحبا بكم جميعا في اولي حلقات كورس bookworm

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217 Answers

by (2 points)
+2 votes
thank you so much

i can't wait for the next course
by (18 points)
+2 votes
It was amazing episode, thank you mr.Ibrahim about everything you do it for us ,you are best teacher in the world
by (5 points)
+2 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته

First of all, I love this episode so much and it wet my appetite to read in the full book 

Then I  think success is one of the most important things any human being wish achieve and that's what the author argue about in this part of the book ,  he gave us many examples of benefits of success and I agree completely with his opinion because  the arguments        were rational and convincing

Finally can't wait for the next episode   

by (13 points)
+2 votes
حلقه ممتعه ممزوجه بالتفاؤل في أولي حلقات الكورس وانك تقدر تحقق حلمك لو اجتهدت عشانه وعجبني اقتباس انك ممكن تحرك الجبل بإيمانك
by (2 points)
+2 votes
Thank you Mr Ibrahim for this amazing course, and I am so excited for the next video.

Actually I don't agree with what did the writer say  about the definition of "success", why we should  always connect success with materialistic  things; or why we should put the word " success" in a frame; I know its really amazing to have a beautiful home, to be looked up to many people, and to have lots of money, yet  this is not the all thing in this life, not all of us will be as what he said, because our world is so wide, every one can reach to the success on his way and in his perspective.
by (4 points)
+3 votes
more than beautiful
by (201 points)
+3 votes
بداية موفقة الى الامام وجزاكم الله خير
by (16 points)
+3 votes
الموقع رائع وخاصة فكرة الترجمة وتقسيم النص إلى عدة أقسام وكذلك موضوع التصويت.. كل ذلك يعطي خبرة ويظهر بشكل عملي ثقافة وشخصية المترجم... وأحب التأكيد هنا على ضرورة مراجعة قواعد النحو والإملاء للغتنا العربية التي أعتبرها شخصيا"من أهم وأعظموأجمل  لغات العالم،حيث أنه لامعنى للترجمة إلى العربية أو العكس ما لم نتقن العربية بشكل ممتاز وشكرا" للجميع وخاصة الأستاذ المميز جدا"ابراهيم عادل مع رجاء الاستمرار بهذا المشروع مهما بلغت الصعوبات.
by (2 points)
+2 votes
It was great I love the episode so much I feel like understand 80 presnt from Prof Ibrahims reading this course Is going to be one of the best courses on the channel  because with this we will improve a lot and also its a challenge for us
by (751 points)
+1 vote

Hello magnificent folks. I just wonder In the grammar course and specific in the first episode of explain (Gerund ( we understand  if we derive the noun form the verb we put (Ing(. And also we know the difference between gerund and infinites but l read a lot of articles in English and some of them are formal and l also watch native speakers they sometimes use the word with put anything to the word  . So l read a lot like this sentence {sleep is good for your health}We absolutely know this word is a noun so What's going on?? I just want to know and l am sorry for this inquiry.

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