
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

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217 Answers

by (3 points)
+3 votes
حلقة رائعة
by (3 points)
+3 votes
Its great to do everyone like reading MR Irahim

You are actually the best one to be ideal

As i saw the episode , i feel impressive and excited to do something get me success

Continue we are need more episodes

Thanks for your effort and we appreciate that
by (3 points)
+3 votes

 Alslam alikom .

First I would like to thank you for your great effort, but actually that what we accept from you. Regarding the main idea of the article, I totally agree with it , because nothing is easy if you don't work hard for it, as well as nothing easy with ignorance. So if we want to achieve anything, we've to learn how to do it and work hard for it.

I just have a humble request to you to add the audio to  Google bodcast,  so that it'd be easy to listen it offline.

We're really appreciate your effort
by (18 points)
+3 votes
السلام عليكم
شكرا جدا على المحتوى الممتع و المفيد
متفق بشكل كبير مع ما قيل في الكتاب  الا أن ديننا اغنانا عن كل هذا أو بقول أفضل قد سبق كل المؤلفين في التحدث عن الفلاح
فالإيمان بالهدف ثم السعي اليه و التوكل على الله و الأخذ بالأسباب من الاسلام
قال تعالى : ( و من يرد ثواب الدنيا نؤته منها و من يرد ثواب الآخره نؤته منها ) و قد قال نؤته منها و لم يقل نؤته منه اي من الثواب بل قال منها اي من الدنيا  بمعنى انه سيعطيك ما تريد و فوق ما تريد سبحان الله!
و كما أننا مسلمون فمن المفترض ايضا أن كل هدف نضعه يجب أن يوصلني الى قول الله تعالى : ( يحذر الآخرة و يرجو رحمة ربه )
و قد حثنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم  على السعي قال رسول الله : من تساوى يوماه فهو مغبون   و قال لا يكن احدكم امعه  

و هذا مما طرق بذهني و أنت تقرأ النص الانجليزي
by (10 points)
edited by

The main idea is motivating which means it would not probably last for long . 

Furthermore, I have a concern about the phrase " average person " It is not .humiliating to be an average person

In conclusion, I learned that being ambitious requires that you observe the role model in whatever you are attempting to achieve. 

And I only want to highlight that whether you believe that saying you believe or any of these abstract and vague words, only your behavior and hard work will prove that.

by (364 points)
+3 votes
حسب الراي الخاص عندي كورس رائع جدا وجميل والموضوع ايضا جميل

والموضوع النجاح والثقة بالنفس تكون هذي الثقة والتوفيق اولا من عند الله

لان الانسان لا يستطيع ان يفعل شي او ينجح في شي ابدا الا بتوفيق

و باختصار الثقة بالنفس والنجاح

هو توفيق الله

واجتهاد الانسان
by (3 points)
+3 votes
I really like the episod but i think it was very short
by (4 points)
+3 votes

first thanks a lot Mr\Ibrahim for your effort

you did a lot with us and i am very thankful

may Allah bless you

Actually i totally disagree with the writer

because i have another definition of success

"و أن ليس للإنسان إلا ما سعي"

"And that man shall have nothing but what he strives for"

ex : if some one wanted to be a rich and he started in hardworking to be...but suddenly he dead

is he a failer now

actually you can not specify

if he had a good intention he will be succeed and if he hadn't he will be not

and that's it that is my opinion in the page

Thanks for reading 

by (583 points)
+2 votes
ماشاء الله جميله جدا .. وكمان القراءه متأنيه وفهمت نسبه كبيره مع انى لسه فى المستوى الثانى
by (72 points)
edited by
+4 votes

 About Mester Ibrahim, he is pulchritudinous as usual 

The book

 Those few lines from the book was generally optimistic and useful. I just have    an opinion about the first part. The writer said 

"Success means many wonderful, positive things. Success means personal prosperity: a fine home, vacations, travel, new things, financial security, giving your children maximum advantages. Success means winning admiration, leadership, being looked up to by people in your business and social life."

I think success should not be one of these things . I see success  is just the achievement aims, whatever what are those aims. 

Ultimately, the great aim I and thou yearn to earn is in the upper of the ether.....


by (72 points)
كان يوما جميلا عندما سطرتكم
by (13 points)
+3 votes

My comment on the chunk of this book.

Firstly , the writer define the success in many aspects of our life and the wishes of people their wants.

He gives motivation to the reader so he wants to develop the believing feeling inside yourself that because everybody needs the success  believe to success there is statement can be take a quote  When you believe I-can-do-it, the how-to-do-it develops.

He talks about may be say disease in the sciences called procrastination that means anybody wants to achieve his goal but he said tomorrow but donot any thing about the dream to achieve it. He named average person.

This books is very spectacular and consist a lot of motivation and powerful. I guess everyone follow the course love the books and receive informations.

Thanks for reading my comment if any mistake tell me in comment below my comment .

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